Placement Report
Result Placement
Days to Present Placed Candidate 57
Days to Placement 141
Total Candidates Presented 16
Total Candidates Interviewed by Client 6
Total Prospects DDI Spoke With 46
Conner McKercher, Practice Leader and Andrew Borrell - Vice President and Paper, Packaging & Printing Recruiter
Lead Consultant

Connor McKercher

Practice Leader: Paper & Flexible Packaging

Company Description

A family-run producer of flexible packaging with a wide variety of capabilities and market applications.

Job Title

Regional Sales Representative

How long was client searching prior to our involvement?

4 months

Did client have internal recruiting resources?

Yes, they have job advertisements as well as internal search processes.

Why was this a real problem for the client?

Our client is currently going through a transformation hiring sales representatives all over the country. This was a newer concept for them as they had many sales reps based geographically near their facility. In addition, they had no means of reaching out to the necessary amount of industry-specific sales representatives needed to hire the right amount of people.

How did this opportunity help the candidate?

The candidate we placed was working for a smaller organization and feeling stagnant in what he was doing for so long. He was seeking the opportunity to earn more variable compensation and wanted a challenge. Our client made a desirable offer and with their capabilities, there is no end in sight in terms of what he’ll be able to sell and who he’ll be able to call on.