To utilize the search and placement profession as a vehicle, which will create opportunities for our employees, partners and clients to realize true fulfillment in all phases of their lives.
An ever expanding collection of complimentary search-related companies which require people with a broad range of skill sets in order to run at peak performance. Each of these companies will foster a culture of integrity, best-in-class performance, achievement and rewards at every level.
Delta Life Laws
Confidence & Humility
We consistently remind ourselves that any achievements have been made possible by others. At the very least, we owe recognition to our creators.
Karma is Real
We hold ourselves to the highest standards of human behavior because doing the right thing vs. doing the easy thing will always serve us well long-term.
Family Business
We are aware that Delta Diversified indirectly affects exponentially more people than the number of those employed here (spouses, children, grandchildren, siblings, etc.). As such, our actions will be a reflection of what our company stands for and will strengthen and preserve the viability of this enterprise.
No one is too big, or too small to be held accountable.
We owe genuine respect to everyone we work with. No. Matter. What.
We strive for excellence in our craft, rather than perfection.
We are hyper-sensitive to following through on commitments in a timely fashion.
We are gifted the opportunities and the skills to achieve and, in turn, we will demonstrate generosity in our lives.
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- Delta’s History
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- Accu-Search™ Process
- Delta Spotlight
Contact Us 
30625 Solon Road, Suite F
Solon, OH 44139
440-996-0841 (o)
440-914-9416 (f)