Placement Report
Result Placement
Days to Present Placed Candidate 0
Days to Placement 38
Total Candidates Presented 2
Total Candidates Interviewed by Client 2
Total Prospects DDI Spoke With 2
Lead Consultant

Scott Rosenthal

Project Manager: Paper, Packaging, Industrial Automation & Process Solutions

Company Description

2nd Generation, Family-owned Corrugated Sheet Plant

Job Title

Production Manager

How long was client searching prior to our involvement?

The client was just beginning to start thinking about a replacement hire for a Plant Manager retirement.

Did client have internal recruiting resources?

No, they were not utilizing any resources at the time.

Why was this a real problem for the client?

The client needed to replace a retiring Plant Manager. Further, the President of the company was looking to scale back on his daily involvement with the company. Thus, he needed a leader who can help lead the company from a production standpoint.

How did this opportunity help the candidate?

The candidate had recently finished an assignment at a separate organization, and was looking for his next opportunity.