Placement Report
Result Placement
Days to Present Placed Candidate 19
Days to Placement 35
Total Candidates Presented 4
Total Candidates Interviewed by Client 4
Total Prospects DDI Spoke With 32
Conner McKercher, Practice Leader and Andrew Borrell - Vice President and Paper, Packaging & Printing Recruiter
Lead Consultant

Connor McKercher

Practice Leader: Paper & Flexible Packaging

Company Description

Independent manufacturer of corrugated POP displays and retail ready packaging.

Job Title

Structural Designer

How long was client searching prior to our involvement?

3 Months

Did client have internal recruiting resources?

Yes, minimal.

Why was this a real problem for the client?

They had recently announced two retirements within the department and unless they found someone to join quickly, they would find themselves in a challenging spot with products needing creative ideas but no designers to do it!  This can cost them business!

How did this opportunity help the candidate?

Our candidate had been with his company for over 10 years and was feeling very stagnant. He hadn’t received a raise or promotion since he had been there. He was fairly bored with the products he was designing as well. We were able to get him a raise in compensation and place him in a more challenging role so he could design more complex products lines.