Placement Report
Result Placement
Days to Present Placed Candidate 15
Days to Placement 45
Total Candidates Presented 6
Total Candidates Interviewed by Client 4
Total Prospects DDI Spoke With 14

Company Description

A national energy company that works with education, government, commercial, industrial, and other organizations. The company delivers integrated energy effective programs that drive sustainable results. Over the past 40 years, the company has provided more than $2 billion in savings for their customers.

As part of the #1 energy services provider in the world, they provide an extensive set of energy and sustainability management services to thousands of customers throughout the United States.

The company is driving the energy transition to a low-carbon economy. The company’s ambition is to build a society that demands less energy and is less dependent on fossil fuels.

Job Title

Director of Service

How long was client searching prior to our involvement?

Approximately 4 months

Did client have internal recruiting resources?

Yes. Internal Talent Acquisition team at Corporate HQ location.

Why was this a real problem for the client?

The previous Director of Service unexpectedly passed away approximately 4 months prior to engaging with Delta Diversified. Their internal Talent Acquisition team attempted to fill the role and they also leveraged other third-party recruiting agencies to help fill the role; however, their attempts were unsuccessful.

How did this opportunity help the candidate?

The opportunity with our client allows the candidate to expand his knowledge with HVAC Mechanical systems and service and the position offers a future opportunity to expand the geographical reach of the department into California and possibly other adjacent markets, which our candidate would have the opportunity to manage this growing team and geographical market for our client.